Story as Strategy

Story as Strategy


It was the early days of a promising tech startup, and they were struggling to stand out in a saturated and shrinking market. They had a solid product and an experienced team, but they were failing to make an impact. Then, they met with a prominent venture capitalist who gave them an unexpected piece of advice: “Focus on your story.”

The founders took that advice to heart, refined their narrative, and within months, they attracted significant funding, gained media attention, and skyrocketed to success. Believe it or not, that startup was Airbnb.

We’re going to show you exactly how they did that.

Even seasoned investors and entrepreneurs can sometimes overlook the profound power of storytelling in shaping a company’s trajectory. In today’s highly competitive business environment, a well-crafted story can be the missing ingredient that elevates a strategy from good to exceptional.

Story is your biggest lever, and we’re going to break down exactly why.

First section, we’re going to be breaking down the facts about why storytelling is so powerful.

Second section, we’ll show a few real examples of business storytelling.

Third and last section, we’ll share some practical tips to tighten up your storytelling.

Let’s dive in.


Simplifying complexity

Storytelling has a unique ability to simplify complex ideas.

By presenting information in a narrative format, storytelling allows people to grasp intricate concepts and see the bigger picture more easily. Here are some ways storytelling simplifies complex ideas:

Shared mental models

A shared mental model is a common understanding of how things work, the goals to be achieved, and the steps required to reach those goals. Storytelling plays a vital role in creating these shared mental models, as it:

Vision over facts

The role of vision in storytelling and strategy is essential for businesses to inspire stakeholders and drive toward success. People don’t care about the facts; they want vision.

Here are some ways vision and storytelling contribute to achieving strategic goals:

Storytelling isn’t fluffy “creative” work to put on the back burner. It is the most fundamental strategy.

Businesses that focus on storytelling are by far the most positioned to win in the long term.

Let’s look at examples.


Warby Parker’s monopoly villains

The founders of Warby Parker, an online eyewear retailer, crafted a compelling brand story that revolved around the idea of providing affordable, stylish eyewear while giving back to the community through their “Buy a Pair, Give a Pair” program. This story resonated with consumers and helped Warby Parker grow rapidly, from a small startup to a company valued at over $3 billion.

A key component of their storytelling success can be traced back to their origin story: the founders’ frustration with the high cost of eyeglasses due to industry monopolies. Their “villains.” By cultivating a core story around this simple frustration, Warby Parker connected with customers on a deeper level and provided a clear purpose behind their mission, making their story more powerful and shareable.

How Airbnb used storytelling to build trust

Airbnb, the online marketplace for short-term rentals, faced skepticism and trust issues when it first launched. To overcome these challenges, the company focused on sharing stories of real hosts and guests, showcasing the unique experiences and connections fostered through the platform. This storytelling approach helped build trust, humanize the brand, and grow Airbnb into a global phenomenon.

A surprising element of Airbnb’s storytelling success lies in the company’s emphasis on personal connections and belonging. Co-founder Brian Chesky explained that the company’s purpose is to “create a world where anyone can belong anywhere.” This powerful message resonated with travelers who sought authentic, local experiences rather than impersonal hotel stays, making Airbnb’s story a viral sensation.

Slack’s ability to be relatable

Slack, the popular business communication platform, initially struggled to gain traction in a crowded market.

The surprising reason behind Slack’s storytelling success can be found in its focus on “work culture” rather than just the product itself. By sharing stories about how the platform transformed the way teams work and collaborate, Slack shifted the conversation from simple software features to the more relatable and aspirational idea of fostering a better work environment. This approach made Slack’s story stand out and contributed to its rapid growth.


In this section, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to create your own strategic story:

  1. Identify the core message and purpose: Begin by determining the central message you want to convey through your story. This message should align with your company’s mission, values, and strategic goals. Reflect on what makes your business unique and the problems you’re solving for your customers. Your core message should be clear, concise, and easily understood by your audience. As Steve Denning highlights in “The Leader’s Guide to Storytelling“, an effective narrative starts with a compelling and relevant core message that engages listeners and drives action.
  2. Develop relatable and engaging characters: Create characters that represent your target audience or embody the values of your company. These characters should be relatable, allowing your audience to see themselves in the story and feel connected to your message. Consider using real-life examples or customer testimonials to make your characters more authentic and engaging. Annette Simmons, in her book “Whoever Tells the Best Story Wins“, shares a surprising anecdote of how a simple story about a janitor transformed the morale and motivation of a struggling company by humanizing the employees and their work.
  3. Establish a clear narrative structure: Craft a well-organized story with a clear beginning, middle, and end. This structure will make your story easy to follow and understand, helping your audience stay engaged and retain the information you’re presenting. Ensure that each part of the story contributes to the overall narrative and supports your core message. Robert McKee and Thomas Gerace, in “Storynomics“, emphasize the importance of a strong narrative structure in making stories more engaging and persuasive.
  4. Use surprising and memorable elements: Incorporate surprising facts, data, or anecdotes that make your story more memorable and shareable. These elements can help grab your audience’s attention and create a lasting impact. Chip and Dan Heath, in “Made to Stick“, recount the story of Jared Fogle, the Subway spokesperson who lost 245 pounds by eating Subway sandwiches. This surprising and memorable story not only captured public attention but also revitalized the Subway brand.
  5. Communicate your vision and inspire action: Your story should communicate a clear vision for the future and inspire your audience to take action. Use vivid imagery, metaphors, and examples to help your audience visualize your vision and understand the steps required to achieve it. By connecting your story to a larger purpose or goal, you can motivate your audience to join you on the journey toward success. Simon Sinek, in his influential book “Start with Why“, gives the example of the Wright brothers, whose clear vision and determination to achieve powered flight led to one of the most significant technological advancements in history.

By embracing the art of storytelling, businesses can break through the noise, simplify intricate ideas, and connect with their audience on a deeper level. As we’ve seen through a range of anecdotes and expert insights, a well-crafted story has the potential to transform not just businesses, but entire industries.

So, as you navigate the ever-evolving landscape of your market, remember that the most successful strategies aren’t merely grounded in facts and figures. They are, at their core, compelling narratives that inspire, motivate, and drive action.

The strategic storyteller sees not just the world as it is, but the world as it could be, and invites others to join them on the journey towards that vision. Harness the power of storytelling, and you’ll not only achieve your goals but also leave a lasting impact on the world around you.

Does your story still need work or are you unclear on where to go from here? We’re here to help.